


然而,法理上,法庭在民事索償案件中,其實技術上允許「雙重索償」(double recovery)。例如,即使傷者支付了10萬元醫療費用,並從自己購買的醫療保險成功索償10萬元醫療開支,在民事索償案件中,法庭依然允許傷者向疏忽司機及其保險公司再索償這10萬元醫療費用。

這方面的經典案例是英國案例 Hussain v. New Taplow Paper Mills Ltd [1987] 1 WLR 336 and Hunt v. Severs [1994] 2 WLR 602.。在此案中,法庭裁定如原告人有自行供款購買個人意外保險,遭遇意外時,個人意外保險已向原告人支付的賠償,並不應該在民事索償的訴訟案件中的賠償扣除。法庭判詞如下:

” … But to the prima facie rule there are two well established exceptions. First, where a plaintiff recovers under an insurance policy for which he has paid the premiums, the insurance moneys are not deductible from damages payable by the tortfeasor .…Secondly, when the plaintiff receives money from the benevolence of third parties prompted by sympathy of his misfortune, as in the case of a beneficiary from a disaster fund, the amount received is again to be disregarded … In both these cases there is in one sense double recovery. If the award of damages adequately compensates the plaintiff, as it should, the additional amounts received from the insurer or from third party benevolence may be regarded as a net gain to the plaintiff resulting from his injury. But in both cases the common sense of the exceptions stares one in the face. It may be summed up in the rhetorical question: ‘Why should the tortfeasor derive any benefit, in the one case, from the premiums which the plaintiff has paid to insure himself against some contingency, however caused, in the other case, from the money provided by the third party with the sole intention of benefitting the injured plaintiff?’”


法庭留意到,這情況下,原告人可能因此「雙重索償」(double recovery)了醫療費用,而獲得額外得益。

香港法庭在HUI FOUT KWONG (許涪江) v PINE LOGISTICS COMPANY LIMITED (加林美物流有限公司) [2010] HKCU 1503的工傷案件中,跟從了上述的英國案例,判定原告人自行購買的保險而獲得的賠償金,無需在向疏忽方民事索償的案件中的賠償扣除。

“Of course, Hui may be liable to account the compensation awarded, or any part of it, to his insurance company which has paid the insured amount on account of this accident. Whether there is basis for such liability of Hui to account is still a matter of contract between them; and certainly nothing to do with Pine Logistics’ liability under the Ordinance.”


